Eternal Fidel is still in the ranks!

Marvel at this man! And somewhere, even admire!

Cuban authorities have distributed photographs of Fidel Castro meeting with a delegation of Venezuelan students, held on August 22. The current appearance of the Comandante in the report of the Cuban TV - the first since June 2008.

4 photos © REUTERS / Granma via drugoi

Meeting with students lasted three hours, but no one was tired

Yellow jersey leader

Portrait of a national hero of Venezuela, José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolivar de la Concepción and Ponte Palacios and Blanco -
a gift from Fidel Alejandro students Castro Ruz.
Incidentally, it is interesting that during his short life, Simon Bolivar had visited the President of Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela freed from the Spaniards and win 472 battles.
After all, live in Latin America is interesting.

Source: http: //


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