Megakoty or looks like a lynx home

Maine Coon - literally translated as "Manx raccoon." Also called "trotted home" for the specific brush on the ears. Among domestic cats, this breed is the largest in the world: males can weigh up to 8 kilograms, females up to 6 kilograms, and some animals breed lines reach 12 kilograms or more. Although Maine Coons long hair cats of this breed do not require frequent prichёsyvaniya.

Despite its size the character of these cats are friendly, peaceful and docile. Maine Coons are very akkuratnye.Meyn-kun does not like narrow space, so nowhere climbs. Despite the large size and slightly menacing look, this breed is a distinctive gentle nature. It is easy to adapt to the host and the habitat in general. By nature Maine Coon - a good-natured and moving pet. Very loyal to "their" family, but careful with the Russian postoronnimi.V price variable between 10,000 and 40,000 thousand for the kitten.

At most was the Maine Coon named Jack. Magnificent animals. The behavior can be observed forever, self-esteem Koshak rolls over, never to give way, which sprawled there and go around if he needs something - he did dobetsya)) But when hungry is mileyshee creature comes falls to his knees and looking up He is looking into the eyes. He managed to tear me from Doctor House! And the great thing they talk - do not yell bad voice, not murchat, namely talking Moore meow))







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Finally !!! Kote Dark Lord !!!




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