Manchester United chose Bulova Watches

The most commercially successful club, Manchester United, and American Bulova watch brand today announced a collaboration. Now overseas watchmakers will wear the proud title of Official Timekeeper of the football club. And the players, coaches and key personnel teams will be exclusively Watches Bulova. But in addition, the brand will continue to "shine" on all games and events in semi "mankuniantsev." In March 2014 Bulova present at Baselworld special collection, released in honor of Manchester United. The series will be presented as exclusive watches in 18-carat gold, as well as more affordable models of steel and titanium. contract between MU and Bulova signed for three years, but the parties do not rule out the possibility of extension. Manchester United has a tremendous fan base - 659 million people worldwide - and it is fertile ground for the promotion of the brand. In the homeland of hours in the United States, soccer does not enjoy such honorably, as in Europe, but Bulova has not quite American brand. A few years ago, the company was acquired by the Japanese Citizen. Inside of the clock again not American mechanisms. Bulova uses Japanese quartz and mechanical movements Miyota, as well as the Swiss «engines» ETA and Sellita.


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